Last updated: 10/06/2019

Voyager 1 was launched on September 5th, 1977, and is the furthest space probe from Earth till this day. It also took the furthest photo of Earth on February 14, 1990, from about 6 billion kilometers away. This famous photo is called the Pale Blue Dot. (image below) Voyager wasn't the only space probe launched. Voyager 2 is the twin space probe of Voyager 1 and was launched before its twin on 20 August 1977. Although it was launched first, Voyager 1 passed Voyager 2. It passed its twin by using Jupiter's gravitational pull to give it a boost. Voyager 1 reached interstellar space on August 25, 2012. That is almost 50 years of traveling and it only has just left the Solar System! Onboard the Voyager 1 is a 12-inch gold plated audiovisual disc name, The Golden Record. It contains photographs, drawings, music, sounds from Earth, and greetings in many languages. There is also a message from the president of the United States of America. 

Images below-

Location: Pale Blue Dot
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