UY Scuti is a star located in the Milky Way. This star isn't your everyday one. It is the largest star discovered to this day. No one can confirm that it's the largest star in the Universe because most stars we know are only in the Milky Way. This is because of the distance to other galaxies. There may be other stars that are larger than UY Scuti. But we do not know because we simply do not have telescopes that are powerful enough today. Our Sun is also nowhere near the size of this giant. In fact, UY Scuti has 5 billion times the volume of the Sun. If you would put UY Scuti in the Solar System, it would reach out to Saturn. To show you the comparison, there is a photo below.

The second largest star we know is VY Canis Majoris, and third is Betelgeuse.

Distance from Earth- 5,219 Light Years(LY)

The video below is by Cosmoknowledge-

Location: Pale Blue Dot
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