Last updated: 10/06/2019

A space probe is a robotic spacecraft that does not orbit Earth, but instead, explores further into outer space. A space probe may approach the Moon; travel through interplanetary space; flyby, orbit, or land on other planetary bodies; or enter interstellar space. Space probes have been sent to all planets in the Solar System from Mercury, all the way out to Neptune. NASA was not the only space company to send space probes to planets. In the late 20th century the Americans and Russians, Soviets at that time, would compete to get to space first and build the best rockets. The Russians were the first to get a space probe to land on a planet. That planet was Venus and the Venera 7 was the lucky space probe that arrived there on 15 December 1970. The American's did come back when they landed on the Moon(Apollo 11 mission)in 1969. 

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