God of the sea

Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun, making it the most distant planet. Neptune wasn't always the most distant planet. Pluto used to be the most distant planet until it was classified as a dwarf planet in 2006 by the International Astronomical Union or the IAU.
Neptune is a Gas Giant and is the smallest out of all four of them(Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) It is made of water, ammonia, methane, hydrogen, helium, and ice. So it is not very warm on Neptune. It is also very windy on Neptune. It is so windy that the winds can reach 1,200 MPH. The winds are so strong that they break the sound barrier.
Neptune is the Roman god of the sea. It is not very surprising that they gave this planet that name because of its blue, ocean-like color. In Greek mythology, Neptune is known as Poseidon. He is also the brother of Jupiter and Pluto.
Now being the most distant from the Sun means it takes longer to orbit the Sun. Neptune takes a long 165 Earth years to orbit the Sun.
Neptune has a discovered 14 Moons. Neptunes biggest Moon is Triton. In Greek mythology, Triton is Poseidon's son. He is the messenger of the sea. Triton the Moon has volcanoes. These volcanoes aren't your everyday ones. Triton's volcanoes erupt water and ammonia. This is no surprise because there is hardly any heat there. Neptune also has a ring system. It is not as visible as Saturn's famous ring system. It is more faint and thin.
Type- Ice Giant
Made of- Water, ammonia, methane, hydrogen, helium, and ice.
Temperature- (-214 C) (-353 F)
Diameter- 49,244 km
Mass- 1.024 x 10^26 kg
Distance from Sun- 4.495 billion km
Distance from Earth- 4.3 billion km