
                                                                            Creator of humanity

Last updated: 28/05/2019

Makemake is the fourth planet from the Sun and has one Moon. Its nickname is MK 2 s/2015 (136472) 1. Makemake is also the third largest dwarf planet in the Solar System, after Eris. Makemake is the creator of humanity and god of fertility for the Easter Island natives. The name was partly chosen due to Makemake's discovery close to Easter. 

It was discovered on the 31st of March, 2005, and was recognized as a dwarf planet in July 2008, by the International Astronomical Union or IAU. 

It takes 309.9 Earth years for Makemake to do one whole orbit around the Sun and 22.5 Earth hours for it to rotate once on its axis. It is also one of the brightest objects in the Kuiper Belt. 

Type- Dwarf planet

Made of- (atmosphere) Nitrogen, very little is known to this day.

Temperature- (-239 C) surface

Diameter- 1,430 km

Mass- 2-5 x 10^21 kg

Location: Pale Blue Dot
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